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A bit of Who we preach and believe, and our manner of worship


We assert and declare that God is God. He does whatever He desires, whenever He desires, with whomever He desires, however He desires. He acts in accordance with His own character, and is the only Being in heaven or earth that has a free will. All things, seen and unseen, were created by Him, are upheld by Him, and are for His honor and glory. He knows all there is to know, about all there is to know about. He rules without question, without permission from the created, and without hindrance from men or devils. He is the first cause of all things. He is Lord over all, regardless if men believe it or not, and being Lord, is good, just, and holy.

We assert and believe that God is revealed solely in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. God the Father loves His dear Son, and only him, and has given all things unto him. Outside of the Lord Jesus Christ, men are without hope, without God’s love, and face time (today) and eternity (to come) under His wrath and condemnation. Christ is loving, merciful, kind and gracious to sinners with a need of mercy and forgiveness. He is our sole mediator to God the Father, and the only substitute for the sinners for which he died. The entire Bible speaks concerning Him, all doctrine is of Him, and without preaching the Lord Jesus Christ the gospel has not been preached. It is Millsite Baptist Church’s intent to worship and honor Him through the preaching of the person and work of Jesus Christ every time we meet.

We assert and believe that the Spirit of God testifies of Christ alone, points men to Christ alone, and calls God’s elect to Christ alone. The Spirit reveals Christ to us through the preaching of the Word, reading of the Word, and is necessary to any revelation of spiritual things to spiritually dead men and women.

We assert by God’s word and experience that all men, everywhere, are by nature depraved, lost, and without hope in this world apart from the Lord Jesus Christ. We are sinners by heritage, birth, choice, action and inaction. There is not one drop, the slightest hint, or faintest whisper of anything good in mankind, individually or as a race. We are all sin, all the time, in every circumstance. Men are spiritually dead, and must be given life, and raised from this spiritual death, by Christ Himself. Without the intervening grace of Christ to conquer men on their frantic race to hell, we have no hope. The only hope of anyone, anywhere, is to flee to, bow to, seek mercy from, and believe on, the Lord Jesus Christ alone.


We encourage you to learn more of the Savior in the preaching of the Gospel both in the messages posted on this site, and in the worship services on-site. Preaching is infinitely better than these few words to gain an understanding of the things of God, and is what God has promised to use to reveal Christ. It is entirely about a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ. Hear of Him, worship Him, believe Him.


One final note to set expectations. We are small in number. Our services are centered on preaching the Word. The only other items you will find us spending time on is the public reading of the word, prayer led by our men, and the singing of God honoring hymns. There is very little (if anything) in the way of special music or activities. We don’t have a choir, we don’t pass a plate, are not involved in politics or social issues. We do offer a nursery for children. We attempt to make much of the Word and preaching Christ; not much else. If you are a needy sinner, we invite you to come worship with some.

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