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April 9, 2023

Writer's picture: Jeff VandallJeff Vandall

Millsite Baptist Church Mike Walker, Pastor April 9th, 2023 Bible Classes 10:30 Worship Service 11:30 am Wednesday night 7:30 Listen Sunday Mornings at 9:00 A.M. “Good News for the Poor and Needy Radio Broadcast” C98.3 FM "He humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." Philippians 2: 8. My soul, dost thou not feel, at every step towards Calvary, somewhat of the angel's words when he cried," One woe is past, and behold there come two woes more hereafter? "Rev_9:12. Surely, never was there a manifestation of the holiness of Jehovah, nor the utter detestation of God against sin, as was set forth in the crucifixion of Jesus. Would men, would angels, see what sin really is, let them go to the cross of Jesus. The casting rebellious angels out of heaven, the curse pronounced upon the earth, the drowning the old world by water, the burning of Sodom by fire; nay, the millions of miseries among men, and the unquenchable fire of hell; though all these may make the souls of the awakened exclaim against sin, yet all these are slight and inconsiderable things, compared to the wrath of God poured out upon the person of God's own Son, when he died the accursed death of the cross. My soul, take thy stand this day at the foot of the cross. Behold the Lamb of God! There see divine justice more awfully displayed than would have been in the everlasting ruin of all creation. And Oh may it be thy portion, my soul, while looking unto Jesus, to say as Paul did—"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. "But, my soul, while thou lookest up to Jesus hanging on the painful tree, contemplate the sufferings of the Lord Jesus in his sacred body. The death of the cross was a violent death; for as there was no sin in Jesus, there could not have been those seeds of death, which in all the race of Adam, are found to bring forth fruit unto death. Precious thought this, even in the moment of beholding Jesus's life taken by violence. Had Jesus not died by a violent death, he would have been no sacrifice; for that which died of itself naturally, could not by the law have been offered to God. The death of Jesus was also a cursed death; for it is written," Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree. "Behold, my soul, thy Lord thus lifted up a spectacle between heaven and earth, as if cursed and despised both of God and man. The death of Jesus was a painful death, in which many deaths were, as it were, contained in one. The nails driven through the most feeling parts of the hands and feet, and the body stretched forth on the transverse timber; in this manner the cross, with the Lord Jesus fastened upon it, was lifted up in the air, until the bottom fell into its socket, which suddenly shook the whole and every part of his sacred body; and thus the whole weight hanging on his pierced nailed hands, the wounds in both hands and feet by degrees widened as he hung, until at length he expired in tortures. Precious, precious Redeemer! was it thus thou didst offer thy soul an offering for sin? Was there no method, in all the stores of Omnipotency, for satisfying divine justice, but by thy holy, harmless, undefiled body dying the violent, cursed, painful death of the cross? Oh by the crimson fountain of thy blood, which issued from thy pierced side, enable me to sit down, day by day, until I find my whole nature crucified with thee in all its affections and lusts. Let there be somewhat, dearest Lord, of an holy conformity between my Lord and me; and if Jesus died for sin; may my soul die to sin; that by mortifying the deeds of the body I may live; and by carrying about with me always the dying of the Lord Jesus, the life also of Jesus may be made manifest in my mortal body. --Robert Hawker Why did Cain murder his brother Abel? 1 John 3:10-12 Cain’s envy and hatred of Abel should deter us from harbouring the like passion, in our own hearts, Here are 3 reasons 1. Cain showed that he was as the first-born of the serpent's seed; even he, the eldest son of the first man, was of the wicked one. He imitated and resembled the first wicked one, the devil. 2. Cain’s ill-will had no restraint; it proceeded so far as to contrive and accomplish murder, and that of a near relation, and that in the beginning of the world, when there were but few to replenish it. He slew his brother, Sin, indulged, knows no bound. 3. Cain’s envy and hatred proceeded so far, and had in it so much of the devil, that he murdered his brother for religion's sake. He was vexed with the superiority of Abel's service, and envied him the favour and acceptance he had with God. And for these he martyred his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous, Ill-will will teach us to hate and revenge what we should admire and imitate. ---Matthew Henry ALL OF GRACE I am not one of God’s elect because of something good God saw in me. There never was, is not now, and never will be any good in our flesh. “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing.” Paul said he knew it. The problem with most religious folks is that they don’t know it and until they do, they will continue to brag and boast of what they have done for God. I am not one of God’s elect because of something God saw I would do. Left to my own will, I would have continued in darkness and even now would depart from God. I am not one of God’s elect because God needed me. It bothers me when we leave the impression with anyone that God or the church of the Lord Jesus can profit in any way from our presence, influence, or gifts. When will we ever learn that we are receivers and beggars? There is not one ounce of goodness in any son of Adam that could be used to commend one’s self to God. “What hast thou that thou didst not receive?” By the grace of God, I am what I am. It was grace that set me apart before time was. It was His grace that laid hold of me when I was in the pit and brought me to the Lord Jesus. And if it be my lot to continue in the faith, to grow in faith and love, to die in hope, and be raised in glory, it will be all of grace. Thanks be unto Him Who alone is worthy of glory and honor. “Here I raise my Ebenezer, Hither by Thy help I’m come, And I hope by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home.” --Pastor Scott Richardson Mercy seeks the guilty. If you are not guilty you do not need mercy. If you are not guilty you do not need pardon. Grace has to do with the wicked. The Physician has not come to heal the well, but to heal the sick. "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners." "God commendeth his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." ---Milton Howard The salvation accomplished by Christ, the salvation God gives is a salvation that God himself cannot improve and a salvation that all the powers of hell cannot mar. Don Fortner You may contact Pastor Walker at any of the following: Mike Walker 773 Lone Oak Road Cottageville, WV 25239 (304) 372-1407 home (336) 984-7501 cell


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